The World Is Curious to Know


If you are a Single Woman, you cannot sit back in your chair at the dentists’ and get your tooth pulled out without the dentist asking you what he thinks is a well-meaning question, “When are you getting married?”. You are wondering whether he plans to propose to you right at that moment when you barely have a choice and not to mention a tooth at stake. You are of-course in no position to address his question so you choose to turn-away and no sooner did you turn, than you hear a loud clattering sound which you later discover was the dental tools and instruments that you had sent flying. Hopefully he was no longer interested in the answer to this question. Well, at-least it served the purpose of keeping you distracted from the excruciating tooth pain.

Your face is already contorted with pain and you only wish your friends and siblings around are not taking ugly pictures of you in this state and uploading it on Facebook and Instagram. Aesthetics no longer seem to concern anyone and behind-the-scenes of virtually anything seems to be trending.

You get back home once you are done with the dentist and hope to rest at home, curled up with a book while the maid who’s curiosity knew no bounds, casually asks you “When do you plan to get married?”

“How old is your daughter?” I asked her.

Confused by my question, she says “ She is 15.”

“When do you plan to get her married?” I asked.

“We normally get our daughters married as soon as they turn eighteen. I don’t think we will wait longer than twenty to get her married.”

“ Sounds good. I will get married after her” I declared much to her astonishment. Before she could ask any further questions, I gave her a bunch of tasks to finish and went over to my room to read a book in peace.

The next day I was to attend a friend’s wedding and went to the beauty salon to style my hair for the event. While I was happy browsing fashion magazines and getting pampered, excited to get dressed and attend the wedding, out popped the question that I had grown familiar to by now. “Have been seeing you around for a few years now. When are you getting married?”

“Tonight”. I said calmly. “Today?” she jumped up startled. “Is this your wedding look? Have you hired a make-up artist? What will you be wearing for the wedding? Where is the wedding?” I was hit with a barrage of questions which I chose to ignore with a cold “Can you hurry up? I need to leave soon.”

Well, she styled my hair fabulously and I received lot of compliments at my friend’s wedding. I will have to change my beauty salon though :P

From the taxi driver, who inquires about your marital status to while away time as you are stuck in traffic to neighbours, colleagues and any person you might have met barely an hour ago, the world is always curious about the life of a Single Woman/Man. It is intrusive, sometimes irritating and at times funny. Have fun with the answers while you can, is my advise ;)


Couple in Disguise


Hide and Seek at Work