
Sara’s Random Thoughts

“I would love to date, fall in love and have cute kids. If only I could do it in the order that’s convenient.”

In Pursuit of Marriage

A Single Indian woman’s adventures and realizations in the pursuit of marriage.

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Where Art Thou, Romeo?

Sara, like any other Indian woman, who has grown up watching Bollywood movies, dreams of falling in love with this dashing, charming man who will sweep her off her feet. She wants to fall in love and have a dream wedding. Unfortunately the men she meets are unlike any she has seen in the Bollywood movies. Leave alone falling in love with them, she wonders if she should ever get married. But she loves the idea of falling in love and having a family and hence pushes on.

When the soul leaves the body, does it leave with a mate? Does the soul need a mate?

Sara’s Random Thoughts

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